The week started out really great with a trip up north and a day at American Girl Place. It was Grandma Karin's special treat for Audrey's 5th birthday. We ate at the cafe and Audrey got a new doll and lots of fun stuff to go with her. We all had a lot of fun! They boys didn't think they would be nearly as exciting about American Girl, so Grandpa, Jason, and Henry went to All Aboard Cafe instead. It is a restaurant with a train theme where a train delivers your order. I guess Henry got a big kick out of that!!
Jason has this week off as one of his layoff weeks so we are trying to get some stuff done around the house. Jason is painting the living room and I am trying to keep the kids out of the way! Today the kids and I went over to a friends house and had arts and crafts day with kids from preschool. Every Wednesday during the summer someone hosts and plans a craft project for all the kids. Today there was about 12 kids from the age of 9 mos. to 5 1/2. Kinda crazy, but fun.
Tonight I harvested a head of broccoli from my garden box and my first cherry tomato. So far the garden boxes are doing great and haven't been very much work. Audrey also started swimming lessons this week. She goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:00. The weather has been a little too cool for swimming, but the pool is heated so it isn't cold until they get out of the water. I have been enjoying the cooler weather and the fact that we haven't had to run the A/C. We are just trying to settle into a summer routine. I might put some stuff in a friends garage sale on Saturday so I better get back to sorting and pricing :(