Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I just now realized it has been almost a week since I posted anything. A lot has been going on, but nothing very interesting to write about! Audrey is counting down the days till her birthday. She tells everyone she meets how many days until she is 4. And then Disney World. We went to the Disney store the other day. Every time the advertisement for Disney World came on the big TV she stopped what she was doing and watched it. At the end when they showed Cinderellas castle she would squeal and jump up and down. She asked me if Disney World was really in the clouds and if her wishes will really come true there. I said that no Disney World isn't really in the clouds and it depends on what her wishes are :) She is also excited about moving. May is going to be an exciting month for her. Henry is pulling up on EVERYTHING and taking steps around furniture and his cage- I mean play yard. He falls down a lot and busted his lip yesterday on the coffee table. Well, I should get busy. I have so many things to do that I don't even want to think about it. Audrey has dance this morning and we are meeting with our realtor this evening, we are supposed to make 2 quilt squares for Audrey's teachers by Friday, I need to line up treats for her to take to school for her birthday celebration, the house is a mess, there is a pile of laundry waiting to be done due to an early morning accident, we need to go to the grocery store because we are almost out of paper towels and toilet paper .... the list goes on.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ant Invasion!

Well, pesky tiny little ants have made their yearly pilgrimage to my kitchen. The Terminex man (or bug man as Audrey calls him) just came and put out bait that they are supposed to eat and take back to the colony. It is really hard for me to see all of them swarming around it and not kill them. It is always an ordeal when some kind of service person comes into the house. Audrey always tries to talk to them and won't leave them alone to do their work. Well, today was no different. As soon as the "bug man" came in Audrey wanted to help, so she went to her room and got her bug vacuum. She was following the guy around telling him everywhere she saw an ant and trying to suck them up with her bug vacuum. I finally corralled her and had her sit at the table to draw. She then drew a picture for the bug man with her name on it. She said it was to remind him of the ants. He is a really nice guy and took the picture and complemented her on it. She was so proud! During all of this Henry was in this highchair. Audrey had pushed him a little closer to the table and while no one was watching he grabbed my coffee cup off of the table and poured it all over his tray and the floor. Luckily it had been sitting there for awhile and was just lukewarm! He was just sitting there playing in it. I should have noticed something was going on with him when he didn't scream at the top of his lungs every time we walked out of the room. I can only imagine the trouble both of them are going to get into during the packing and unpacking process!

Monday, April 21, 2008

We Will Soon Have A New Address!

Yesterday was interesting, real estate wise. We received a call from our realtor saying that the house we are trying to buy had another offer on it and we had 24 hours to decided to go ahead with purchasing it or to back out. I was somewhat in a panic thinking that someone was going to "steal" the house that I really want. A few minutes later the realtor called back and said we had a offer on our house. It turned out to be a reasonable offer that we accepted. Our realtor said it seemed like someone was really looking out for us :) So all of this means that as long as there are no inspection problems we will be moving May 29th. It is not great timing seeing as Jason leaves for a business trip on the 31st, but we will have to make do. We are trying to explain the process to Audrey, who keeps asking if she can bring her toys with her. She asked me yesterday if we were going to bring the cups with straws to the new house. I think she thinks you move to a new house that has all new stuff. We are all excited and a little nervous.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Yesterday Audrey didn't have school so we had friends over to play. Audrey and Jacob played pretty well together but Henry was kinda a bully to baby Lily! He kept grabbing whatever toy was in front of her and when we would replace it with something else he would take that too. We finally had to pick poor Lily up off the floor when Henry started to beat her over the head with his little Spiderman. She is only 4 months old and hasn't figured out how to defend herself yet, or sit up for that matter. He really loves her and I'm sure they were just love taps! We have been busy the last couple of days with quite a few showings of the house. The last person that came through said they loved the house and would probably be back through next week. Keep your fingers crossed! We have a showing today and tomorrow too! I'm getting really sick of the nonstop cleaning and my patience with the whole thing is wearing pretty thin!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We got a call yesterday telling us that we won a door prize at the Dr. Seuss night. I never win anything! Anyway we won "The Foot Book". Audrey will be excited. She likes Dr. Seuss books. She is starting to read. We got the first set of Bob Books and she has read four of them all by herself. Yesterday Henry started pulling up on everything! He had pulled up a few times before, but most of the time had been content to kneel next to things. Well yesterday I found him standing in his crib screaming. I think he got up and wasn't quite sure how to get back down. He did this at both naps and in the play yard. The play yard is a plastic gate enclosure thing that we set up in the living room, kinda like a playpen. I am trying to get Audrey to stop calling it a cage. I can just imagine her going to preschool and telling her teacher that I put her baby brother in a cage! She has been in to everything the last couple of days. She used her "safety" scissors to cut a little hole in her pjs, fed her carrots to the dog at lunch, and watered the flowers with bubble solution. Every time I turn my back it's something else. I think she is ready for summer and needs to get outside and run some of that energy off!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Night With Dr. Seuss

Last night we went to A Night With Dr. Seuss put on by Audrey's preschool. There were crafts and games based on Dr. Seuss books, food and door prizes. It was pretty cute but there were sooo many people there and it was a little crazy. There was also someone dressed up as the cat in the hat. Audrey wouldn't go anywhere near them. I think she was about as fond of the cat in the hat as she is of clowns. I think it has something to do with the face paint. I don't really blame her. There is something creepy about clowns. I was never a fan. Henry had fun watching all the action. He really liked the hat. He reached out for it and didn't want to take it off.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Audrey is quite the artist. She LOVES to color, draw, paint, do whatever crafts she can. Recently she has been wasting a lot of paper by just scribbling a little on each page and then tearing out a new sheet. I tried to tell her that we shouldn't do that because it is wasteful and kills trees, but it wasn't really getting through to her, so I took away the paper and was doling it out 1 piece at a time. One evening she was in the basement and was really quiet for a long time. Although it was a welcomed silence, silence from her for too long is never a good sign. Jason went downstairs and found that she was doing "art" without paper. She couldn't take it any longer she just had to color something! Luckily it was just on her skin and not clothes or walls! I think she was lucky that Jason found her instead of me. He thought it was pretty funny and took pictures before putting her in the bath. Needless to say the markers were moved upstairs where they can only be used with supervision.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ok Sarah your blog has inspired me to take a try at my own. I hope I can keep up with it and post some pics of the kids and maybe some funny Audrey antics.
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers