Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I just now realized it has been almost a week since I posted anything. A lot has been going on, but nothing very interesting to write about! Audrey is counting down the days till her birthday. She tells everyone she meets how many days until she is 4. And then Disney World. We went to the Disney store the other day. Every time the advertisement for Disney World came on the big TV she stopped what she was doing and watched it. At the end when they showed Cinderellas castle she would squeal and jump up and down. She asked me if Disney World was really in the clouds and if her wishes will really come true there. I said that no Disney World isn't really in the clouds and it depends on what her wishes are :) She is also excited about moving. May is going to be an exciting month for her. Henry is pulling up on EVERYTHING and taking steps around furniture and his cage- I mean play yard. He falls down a lot and busted his lip yesterday on the coffee table. Well, I should get busy. I have so many things to do that I don't even want to think about it. Audrey has dance this morning and we are meeting with our realtor this evening, we are supposed to make 2 quilt squares for Audrey's teachers by Friday, I need to line up treats for her to take to school for her birthday celebration, the house is a mess, there is a pile of laundry waiting to be done due to an early morning accident, we need to go to the grocery store because we are almost out of paper towels and toilet paper .... the list goes on.


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers