Monday, April 21, 2008

We Will Soon Have A New Address!

Yesterday was interesting, real estate wise. We received a call from our realtor saying that the house we are trying to buy had another offer on it and we had 24 hours to decided to go ahead with purchasing it or to back out. I was somewhat in a panic thinking that someone was going to "steal" the house that I really want. A few minutes later the realtor called back and said we had a offer on our house. It turned out to be a reasonable offer that we accepted. Our realtor said it seemed like someone was really looking out for us :) So all of this means that as long as there are no inspection problems we will be moving May 29th. It is not great timing seeing as Jason leaves for a business trip on the 31st, but we will have to make do. We are trying to explain the process to Audrey, who keeps asking if she can bring her toys with her. She asked me yesterday if we were going to bring the cups with straws to the new house. I think she thinks you move to a new house that has all new stuff. We are all excited and a little nervous.


Berkeys said...

Awesome! Have fun moving! If you don't open all your toy boxes at once when you move, it turns into Christmas in May! Madeline had great fun when I spread out the boxes because she had forgotten some of her toys. It's also a good time to pitch the ones you don't like. =) Oops - Sarah

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! Obviously someone is looking out for you. Hire movers!

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