We are still living out of boxes, and trying to adjust to the new house. This weekend we will be making a real effort to get unpacking done. It was kind of a rough move for everybody. It started when I got the stomach flu a couple of days before moving day. The packing wasn't done and I was just laying around in bed. Luckily the kids were gone (they were with Grandma Karin and Grandpa John). We ran out of room on the moving truck, Ange offered to take Audrey for the night and Audrey ended up throwing up all that night and part of the next day. I told Ange she could bring Audrey back home, but she kept her until the next evening. Now that's a true friend!! We got to the new house and had electrical problems. Audrey and I still weren't feeling good so we laid in bed while the truck was unloaded. The day after the move Henry started having
diarrhea, and then Jason had to leave early on Sat. morning for his trip for work. I was left to deal with a house full of unpacked boxes, sick kids and I had no over head lights in the kitchen, the garage door wouldn't go down, and couldn't use my dishwasher or washing machine. You realize how important your washing machine is when you can't use it and everyone has had the stomach flu! I spent a lot of time on the phone with my realtor. He has been really nice! He came over with a worried look on his face and cold diet
pepsi. I think he was a little worried that I might snap and go postal or something :) The neighbors have been really nice and helpful too. Well, all electrical issues are now resolved, and Jason is back home as of last night so hopefully we will start getting some stuff done. Audrey started swimming lessons this week. We found out about a lady really close to our house that offers lessons from her home. It is a really nice set up with small classes and I think it is going to be so much more
convenient for us. Audrey would spend every waking moment of summer in the pool if she could. I need to get Henry in the pool more often too. His first time swimming was while we were at Disney World. He loves the water too! If he hears water running in the bathroom he speed crawls from where ever he is to go check it out. He often cries when we take him out of the bathtub.
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