Yesterday morning I took Henry and Audrey to get pictures taken. I made the appointment for first thing after the photo studio opened, thinking that the kids would still be fresh and in a good mood. Well, it didn't really work out like that. I really wanted to get 1 year old pictures of Henry and thought I would put Audrey in a couple and have some of them together. Henry decided that he would scream every time I put him down. We thought he might calm down if he could sit with Audrey, but he didn't. He finally got to where he would sit and play with the stuffed animal props they had, but as soon as I moved him in front of the backdrop he would throw himself face down on the floor and scream again. I decided it would just have to be an Audrey photo shoot, since I didn't want to totally waste our time. Audrey then announced that she didn't want her picture taken either (the first time that has ever happened). I firmly said "we got up and got ready SOMEONE IS GETTING THEIR PICTURE TAKEN!! " The photographer convinced her to pose, and we even managed to get 1 picture on Henry with Audrey and 1 by himself, in between fits and him crawling away. I had a cubs outfit, hat, ball and bat for Henry to wear and it was going to be so cute, but ... Anyway here is what we finished with.

Audrey was very proud of her new jelly shoes!

Sorry these are sideways. I can't figure out how to turn them. It won't let me edit them.
I don't think Henry looks much different than his 9 month pictures. He had his 1 year check up on Wednesday. He is 24 lbs. 31 1/2 in. long. He is still in the 95th percentile for height, but dropped from the 90th percentile, to the 75th percentile in weight. He started out so big, I think he is evening out a little. Looks like he is going to be a tall boy though!
These pics are adorable! =) I would never have been able to tell that no one wanted to smile. =)
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