Well, I can't believe it, Henry is 1 year old! He had a good party. I think he had a pretty good time opening presents.

He had a lot of help from his big sister. She wouldn't stay back, she was so excited. I think sometimes she forgot whose birthday it was. He wouldn't really mess in his cake, he just picked at it.

The guys dug up the swing set in our yard and loaded it onto a trailer so it could be relocated to my parents yard in Charleston. The house we are moving to already has a swing set. When I look out the kitchen window now and see the spot where it used to be it makes the upcoming move seem more real, and I freak out a little. I get nostalgic and
emotionally attached to cars, so you can imagine how I am with the house. I am excited about the new house but am also kinda sad to say goodbye to this one. This is going to be another busy week for us. I will try to post more pictures later of this weeks
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