Audrey had her first dance recital tonight. It was really chaotic getting her where she needed to be at the right time. The whole thing didn't really seem very organized, but she did a great job and looked so cute! She had two numbers.

The first was her tap number called "follow the band" and the second was the ballet number called "rodeo" ( we called it "beef, it's what's for dinner" because it was to the music they have for that

We went out to eat with Ange and Emma afterwards and didn't get home until 10:30! We saw the director of Peoria Ballet at the
restaurant and she remembered Audrey's name and that she was a newer student! She must have a really good memory because there are A LOT of students there. Anyway, it was a fun night, especially for Audrey. She kept asking Emma (her best friend) if she saw her and if she did a good job. We went to Emma's recital last week and they had to compare notes about everything. These pictures are from dress rehearsal on Monday night. No flash photography was allowed tonight.
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