Audrey is quite the artist. She LOVES to color, draw, paint, do whatever crafts she can. Recently she has been wasting a lot of paper by just scribbling a little on each page and then tearing out a new sheet. I tried to tell her that we shouldn't do that because it is wasteful and kills trees, but it wasn't really getting through to her, so I took away the paper and was doling it out 1 piece at a time. One evening she was in the basement and was really quiet for a long time. Although it was a welcomed silence, silence from her for too long is never a good sign. Jason went downstairs and found that she was doing "art" without paper. She couldn't take it any longer she just had to color something! Luckily it was just on her skin and not clothes or walls! I think she was lucky that Jason found her instead of me. He thought it was pretty funny and took pictures before putting her in the bath. Needless to say the markers were moved upstairs where they can only be used with supervision.
Well, I've never blog'd before, so I hope I do it right. This admission from a former CIO. But then I had "people" to do the tech stuff for me. Here goes.
I have to report that Audrey's painting style is neither innovative nor serendipidous. It's hereditary. Just ask Grandpa John. He was once my canvas. In my version of the story he was asking for it; in his version he was an innocent victim. Either way Audrey is following in our gray (Grandpa) and grounded (GAB) footsteps. GAB
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