So I am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. We got a new camera and there are Christmas pictures on it that I haven't gotten the time or energy to upload. Audrey started school up again on Tuesday. I had to first drag myself out of bed and then both of the kids. We were all in slow motion. Henry had a doctors appointment on Tuesday at 12:30 so we went straight there from school. He just had a follow up for the ear infection that he had before Christmas. His ears are fine and he weighed in at 32 lbs! We had a long wait at the
dr office and didn't get home until close to 2. Then the kids had to have lunch before naps. As soon as Jason got home from work I had to drive to a neighboring town, in the freezing rain, to deliver supper to a family from church who have a new baby. I didn't get home until around 7. It was a long day. I wasn't feeling very good this morning and Jason worked from home so that he could take Audrey to school and pick her up. It is really awesome that is able to work from home sometimes! Just after he left to go get her Henry projectile vomited all over the floor and love seat. It was pretty horrible. This was the first time that he had ever thrown up and it freaked him out. So today there was laundry to do and a lot of clean-up. We still haven't quite got the smell out of the living room. He didn't act sick before or after and has been fine the rest of the day so I'm not sure what it was all about. Hopefully it was a one time thing. Well I better try to get to bed a little earlier tonight. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday!
sorry to hear about the ear infection. get it checked out. if it's the 1 thing i remember at that age, it was an ear ache, and it was just awful. hurt like hell & i can still remember the pain. some 50 years later. also, the meds are better now than they were then.
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