Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We have all been sick AGAIN! This time with an awful cold that keeps holding on. Audrey ended up with an ear infection, which is pretty unusual for her. This is the first one she has had since she was a baby. Henry didn't have one as of Friday afternoon, when we were at the doctors office, but he has been acting pretty cranky and didn't sleep all that well last night so I'm not completely convinced that one isn't on the way. At least the weather has been great the last few days. We all went on a nice walk last night after supper. Audrey rode her scooter (most of the way) and Henry rode in his little push car. We stopped and talked to a few neighbors along the way. Everyone is so ready for spring! Yesterday was the first time that Audrey had been to preschool in a week! With our colds and the time change I wasn't about to drag everyone out of bed. This is my last year to have that option. For the next 16 years someone will have to be up for school and there won't be a choice. Wow, I just thought about that, 16 years!!! I can't believe Audrey will start school this year. We have decided to go ahead and send her to public school. With the economy the way it is I don't feel super comfortable with a big financial commitment like private school. I have been reassured by several people that the primary school she will go to is a good one and we know 4 or 5 kids that will be starting kindergarten there too, so that makes me feel a little better. Registration is at the end of April. Jason found out last week that he will have to take 4 weeks of rolling layoff this year. I don't think it will be too bad because he pretty much gets to pick the weeks and he can spread them out so it isn't as much of a financial strain. So that combined with his 2 weeks of vacation, he will be off 6 weeks this year. Maybe we can get some stuff done around the house while he is off.


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