Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Bed" not "Bat"!

Henry just did the cutest thing! He was pretty tired because he didn't have a nap this morning. We were finishing up lunch and his eyes were starting to roll back in his head when he would drink his sippy cup. I was about ready to take him out of the highchair and he kept pointing and saying what I thought was "bat". He really likes his toy bat and carries it around banging on everything like Bam Bam. I didn't see a bat anywhere and didn't know what he was talking about. I took him upstairs and was trying to read him a book and rock him when he just kept pointing and then I realized he was saying bed not bat. He was telling me that he just wanted to go to bed, he didn't need a story this time. I carried him into the spare bedroom and when he saw his bed he pointed, smiled, and shook his head yes. He was happy that I had finally figured out what he was trying to tell me. I put him down in the crib and he smiled and waved bye-bye. He still cried a little when I closed the door, but I thought the whole thing was pretty funny.


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers