Here are some pictures from swimming lessons today. They didn't turn out that great. I couldn't get as close as I wanted because I was afraid Henry would try to get into the pool if I stepped away from him. The girl swimmers have to wear swim caps so that they aren't distracted by their hair. It is actually a good idea and Audrey sometimes wants to wear hers when she is swimming other places. The swim caps are one size fits all and her head is so small that it sometimes starts to come off or come down over her eyes. I think it has gotten stretched out a little. Henry likes to watch and calls the pool "bath". After swimming we came home and ate really quickly and then went for haircuts. Henry even got one today. It was his first real hair cut, but I have trimmed from the back a couple of times when the "wings" got a little too crazy. It doesn't look a lot different, just a little less mullet-like. He still has his curls in the back :)
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