Henry received this ball pit for his birthday (thanks GAB and
GURay!) A couple of weeks ago it finally got blown up and put in the play room. The playroom is actually a sun room attached to the living room, but for now it is filled with all the bigger toys and art stuff. It is really working out great because the kids are still close and I can keep an eye and ear out to what they are doing and I can truly say that they could do about anything out there and it wouldn't hurt anything. There is OLD carpet and wood paneling :( Someday when they have outgrown giant plastic toys I hope to paint the paneling and use it as a true sun room with a tile floor and white wicker patio furniture! Anyway, the kids have been having a blast in the ball pit or as Audrey calls it the jumpy-jump. She uses the rings for the ring toss as "necklaces" and insists that Henry really does like to wear them. They laugh hysterically at each other and thrash around wildly in there. Henry does
occasionally fall on his head while trying to get out but he is learning.
Audrey had a good week at swimming lessons. On Tuesday she graduated to the next higher class. She was so excited. They get a little diploma and a fruit roll-up. I think she is the youngest one in her class. Henry got his first pair of walking shoes. We went to Stride Rite and they had to order the ones I wanted for him in size 4 1/2 extra wide! I love those chubby baby feet!!! He still isn't walking though. He has only really taken 1 step unassisted. He is the fastest crawler I have ever seen.

In this picture he has on a Spider Man
pj top and Cars
pj shorts. Yes daddy did get him ready for bed that night :) Our anniversary was on Tuesday. We waited too long to look for a sitter for the kids, so we took them with us out to eat. I told Jason that it wasn't nearly as relaxing as 6 years ago on that day. He is such a good dad because he replied "No, but it is more fun!" I'm not really sure how I should take that. I think I'll have to
disagree. As much as I love my kids, eating at Red Lobster with them doesn't hold a candle to the beach at sunset in Maui. Plus most of the dinner conversation was Audrey asking questions about death and Heaven. She told me the other day that she wants to learn about muscles, blood, how the body works and dead. Sometimes she is too smart! Aunt Sara brought her a model of the human body that you can take apart, complete with bones and squishy organs. I think Jason and I have about as much fun with it as she does. Tonight Audrey and I went to see the American Girl movie Kit
Kittredge. It was really cute. I love going to the movies with Audrey. She is so good and always wants to sit on my lap :) Her Grandma Karin told her that she could go to the American Girl store for her 5 year old birthday and eat lunch and pick out one of the bigger dolls. She has been saying that she wants Molly because we watched that movie a few months ago. I asked her tonight if she still wanted Molly or if she had changed her mind and now wanted Kit. She said that she didn't know and that she still had lots of time to make up her mind. On the way home from the theater she declared that she wasn't Audrey she was Kit. When she first got her hair cut in a bob, she looked in the mirror and said "I look just like Kit!" Well, I will have more pictures after tomorrow. Audrey and I are riding in the West Peoria parade with our neighborhood association. Henry may ride too, it just depends.
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