Friday, July 25, 2008

Last night before bed, Audrey was saying that her head and throat hurt. She sometimes has phantom ailments when she is tired and she didn't feel especially warm so we didn't think much about it. She woke up at about 11 and was really warm. I took her temp and it was 101.1 She was whining and crying so loudly that she woke up Henry. Luckily he went right back to sleep. We gave her Motrin and she went back to sleep, only for a couple of hours and then she woke up and puked all over Jason while he carried her to the bathroom. She didn't get much rest and neither did I. She came downstairs this morning and wanted to eat. She still has a fever but I think the Motrin might have upset her stomach last night and that's why she threw up. She had an empty stomach because she didn't eat but two bites of supper last night. She says she doesn't like rice, which is pretty funny because it's not like it has a strong flavor, and the kid eats asparagus and Brussels sprouts! Anyway, Henry can now walk half way across the floor, sometimes. He made pretty good progress in one day. He went from a couple of steps to half way across the room. By tomorrow he may be running around, if he isn't throwing up :) I am supposed to have a couple of friends over tonight to hang out and work on scrapbooks. I'm not sure if we will still get together and quarantine Audrey upstairs, or if we will just forget it.


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