Audrey's fever finally broke last night and she was able to go to school on today. After I picked her up we got some lunch and then went to Sams. When we came out of the store it was snowing again. Audrey has really been wanting to play in the snow, but she was sick the first time it snowed and quite a bit of the snow melted. It is supposed to stay cold all week and there is a chance of more snow on Saturday. I have to say that as long as we can safely get out and about, I really enjoy the snow. It puts me in the Christmas spirit. If we could have snow on the ground from now until Christmas day and then no more snow the rest of the winter, it would be perfect! Audrey has been excited to watch the Christmas specials that are starting to be on. Tonight it was Rudolph. It is one of my favorites. For a while Henry sat on Audrey's lap and watched too. He really isn't into watching TV yet. It just doesn't seem to hold his attention. Henry loves to be read to before bed. We have been reading "Christmas In The Manger" and he has learned the names of all of the characters in the nativity story. It is adorable to hear his little voice say "wise men" and "baby Jesus". When he sees the page with Mary he says "Mary" and then "Christmas". He also said "Sean" when he saw the picture of Joseph, which made me and Jason crack up because the it did kind of resemble him.
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