Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wildlife Prarie Park

We spent 4 hours today at the Wildlife Prairie Park. We had an outing for the bear buddy program that we volunteer for with our church. We had a good time and the weather was perfect. It looked like it was going to storm for awhile but the rain held off. It wasn't too warm or sunny and there was a nice breeze. Henry's favorite part was riding the little train through the park. He didn't want to get off! Audrey liked looking at the animals. She even petted a snake! I remembered to bring my camera this time and when I took it out to take pictures the battery was dead! The back of my neck is sun burnt and Audrey's arms are a little pink, but Henry is looking terrificly tan!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We had a crazy weekend! Jason worked 40 hours from Friday thru Sunday. There was some database problems that had to be worked on and he pretty much just came home to sleep and then was back at work again before we even got up in the morning. The kids were missing him and I have been about ready to loose my mind. This morning I dropped Audrey off at church for choir school and Sunday school and then came home to finish getting ready so Henry and I could go back for the late service. I was locking the front door and Henry fell on the concrete front porch steps and skinned his nose up and got his pants all muddy. I screamed as I watched him do it, but couldn't get to him in time. He was pretty freaked out. By the time I got him inside, cleaned up, changed and calmed down we were super late for church. Henry was still in a pretty foul mood, so we ended up just going to pick up Audrey and then headed to the grocery store because we were almost out of toilet paper, diapers, and bread. I did get about 6 loads of laundry done over the last couple of day (and we have a washer and dryer that is supposed to hold about double what a super capacity washer and dryer do!) I don't know why we seem to have so much laundry lately. Well, it is after 10 and Jason just got home and I still need finish Audrey's party invitations so she can take them to school tomorrow. Tomorrow I have Mommy Moments in the morning and a baby shower that I have to bring food for in the evening. Jason promised that I would be able to make it to the shower even if he had to work from home. It's a good thing because as of this morning I'm in charge of the shower because the original hostess is sick! I hope the rest of this week goes a little smoother!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Pictures

Thanks Grandma Karin for sending these (and remembering to take them)! Henry always smiles this cheesy fake smile when he knows someone is taking a picture of him. What a little ham!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I don't have any Easter pictures to post. We went to Jason's parents on Friday afternoon. His sister was in from Colorado and we had a good time visiting, coloring Easter eggs, and eating. On Saturday night we went to Jason's Auntie Debbie's house and played cards with GAB and GURay who were also in town. It was a fun weekend, but I didn't take any pictures. In fact I forgot to take my camera at all. Hopefully somebody took one of the kids in their Easter duds and I can get a copy. I always seem to be so scatter-brained! Not much else has been going on. Just more of the same. I got 2 more bags done and am starting aprons. I also need to get busy with making decorations for our church's mother/daughter/friend tea. I volunteered to make paper flowers for the centerpieces of 12 tables!! I have also been working on the Hello Kitty invitations for Audrey's friends birthday party. I cut them out with my Cricut, but still need to assemble all the little parts of them. I can't believe how fast her birthday is coming up. May is always such a super busy month for us, so I should try to get some things done now so I'm not so stressed at the last minute. In May we have 2 birthday parties, the mother/daughter tea, book club at my house and lots of end-of-the-school year activities at school and church! Tomorrow morning Karianne is coming over with Tristan and the baby for a little visit. That should be fun and I'm sure Henry will be happy to have a playmate. I should get to bed. Tomorrow I think I will take some pictures of the kids and post them just because it has been so long since I have put any up and they are so stinkin' cute :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm up WAY too late watching the snow fall. I have to admit that I'm not nearly as enthusiastic about snow when it is April and Easter is only a week away! Early yesterday morning my neighbor (and friend) Karianne called and said that she might be in labor and wanted to know if I could come stay with her little boy while they went to the hospital. She said she was pretty sure that it was false labor, but the Dr wanted her to come in anyway. I went over in my pjs and tried to sleep, but didn't have much luck. At 7 Sylvain (Karianne's husband) came home and said that the baby was born at 3 am. It was a very fast delivery and not false labor after all! She had a little boy who is named Lucas. Well, that was my excitement for the weekend. Audrey is on spring break this week so I will get to relax and not worry about getting anywhere at a certain time. It will be kinda nice. I hope Audrey and Henry get along. Lately they are either best friends or screaming at the top of their lungs at each other. They fight a lot, but when I try to split them up and have them play separately , they get upset and still want to be together!?!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Last week Henry fell down on the bottom stair and limped a little. I didn't think much about it because he didn't seem to be in pain. Well, he was still limping on Tuesday so I called the doctors office and they wanted to see him. Well, the doctor couldn't find anything so she ordered x-rays. They took a bunch and Henry was such a good boy through the whole thing. He laid really still and didn't start to object until the very end. Well, the results came back normal on all the x-rays also, and today he is not limping as much. I'm just supposed to watch him and take him back in if he isn't better in another week. Someone in our family has had emergency medial care every month this year. January it was me with the flu ambulance ride thing, February Jason went to prompt care with chest pains and had a EKG and chest x-ray (the tests turned out fine and they never found out why he was having pain), and in March Henry had x-rays. I hope Audrey doesn't have some emergency in April.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I have been super busy the last couple of weeks. I have been sewing like crazy to try to get some stuff made up to sell. I made a bag about a month back and started carrying it and everyone wants one. I took a couple to a consignment store back home in Charleston and I have 3 people waiting on one and another place willing to sell them. So far I have made 4 of this style bag
Today I made a pillowcase dress for Audrey. This one I cut shorter to be a shirt. It was pretty fast and easy to make. I have another one cut out for a dress and I think I am going to embroider something on it. Audrey loves to model!

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers