Last week Henry fell down on the bottom stair and limped a little. I didn't think much about it because he didn't seem to be in pain. Well, he was still limping on Tuesday so I called the doctors office and they wanted to see him. Well, the doctor couldn't find anything so she ordered x-rays. They took a bunch and Henry was such a good boy through the whole thing. He laid really still and didn't start to object until the very end. Well, the results came back normal on all the x-rays also, and today he is not limping as much. I'm just supposed to watch him and take him back in if he isn't better in another week. Someone in our family has had emergency medial care every month this year. January it was me with the flu ambulance ride thing, February Jason went to prompt care with chest pains and had a
EKG and chest x-ray (the tests turned out fine and they never found out why he was having pain), and in March Henry had x-rays. I hope Audrey doesn't have some emergency in April.
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