Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm up WAY too late watching the snow fall. I have to admit that I'm not nearly as enthusiastic about snow when it is April and Easter is only a week away! Early yesterday morning my neighbor (and friend) Karianne called and said that she might be in labor and wanted to know if I could come stay with her little boy while they went to the hospital. She said she was pretty sure that it was false labor, but the Dr wanted her to come in anyway. I went over in my pjs and tried to sleep, but didn't have much luck. At 7 Sylvain (Karianne's husband) came home and said that the baby was born at 3 am. It was a very fast delivery and not false labor after all! She had a little boy who is named Lucas. Well, that was my excitement for the weekend. Audrey is on spring break this week so I will get to relax and not worry about getting anywhere at a certain time. It will be kinda nice. I hope Audrey and Henry get along. Lately they are either best friends or screaming at the top of their lungs at each other. They fight a lot, but when I try to split them up and have them play separately , they get upset and still want to be together!?!


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers