Yesterday I took the kids to get pictures taken. I thought that I would try to beat the Christmas rush and could get 18 mo pictures taken of Henry at the same time. I found outfits for them that actually coordinated at Gymboree, much to my amazement and Jason dismay. I have been banned from the mall for the rest of this month. Yesterday morning Jason said "now don't get mad if Henry won't cooperate and you don't get any good pictures, just reschedule". When I took them for Henry's 12 mo pictures it didn't go so well, there was crying and screaming, begging and frustration! I told Jason that if Henry cried I was just going to have them take pictures anyway. Pictures are supposed to capture the moment so that we can remember what they really were like at each age, aren't they? Jason doesn't really understand what a pain it is to get them both dressed in matching clothes, and get them to the photo studio without someone spilling something on their clothes, or snot or droll ending up everywhere. Anyway, it was a really gross, cold and rainy day and we had to rush around and make a stop at Target (from which I am also banned for the rest of the month) before pictures. I came prepared with bribes, I mean incentives. I told Henry that I had m&ms for him and he could have some right after he got his picture taken. He said "OK" and plopped right down in front of the photographer and gave a cheesy smile. We had been practicing smiling for pictures for a couple of days and he was really hamming it up. Well, it went smoother and faster than pictures have ever gone. Even the photographers commented about how quick and easy it was. They did so well and we got so many good shots of them they I spent way too much money on pictures. It was impossible not to buy a lot when I looked at there chubby, happy little faces! I have plenty pictures to share and will be giving one to everybody, whether they want one or not :)
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