"feast" to celebrate. All the girls wore Indian shirts that they had decorated with fabric markers and beads. She had a head-dress with pink feathers and a pasta necklace. The teacher had chosen a name for each girl and wrote it on the back of their shirts. Audrey was Princess Wise Owl. Jason worked from home so that he could come with us. Saturday we stayed home the whole day and cleaned house. Sunday we got up and hurried around to get Audrey to church by 7:45 a.m. She did a great job singing the Thanksgiving song in the choir. It was her first official performance and she looked so cute in her tiny choir robe. She sang every word with a smile on her face and so much expression! She loves choir and LOVES being on stage. She was excited that she got to be front row center. Sometimes Jason and I wonder how two people like us got such a diva for a daughter :) Monday I had Mommy Moments at church and afterwards Karianne and Tristan brought McDonalds back to our house for lunch while we waited for the chimney sweep to show up. Karianne is very artistic and has a great eye for decorating. I was showing her my downstairs bathroom that I had started to work on and then kind of came to a stand-still because I didn't know if I would be able to do anything else before Thanksgiving. I was pretty bummed about it because I figured it was the bathroom that most people would be using on Thanksgiving and I had really wanted to finish. The problem was that I had started to tear down wallpaper and I got the first layer off pretty well but the layer underneath was original to the house and didn't seem like it was going to come down without tearing up the walls and there definitely wasn't time for plaster repair! I loved the original wall paper because I thought it looked a little bit gaudy but kinda cool, vintage gaudy. I mean we are working with pink tile from the 1940s here. Karianne had an idea to antique it with brown paint to make it look like it was supposed to be torn in places. She said that she had a little bottle of brown craft paint at home, and that we could put the kids down for naps and get this bathroom finished in a couple of hours. She came back with paint and brushes and we got to work. I ended up totally redoing my bathroom with things that she and I had lying around our houses and it got finished in 1 day!!! The only thing that was purchased was a couple of new hand towels. Here is a picture of the end result. The curtain is an vintage tablecloth and my grandmas china is on the shelf. I love that I found a place to display some of it. I'm not sure we will keep the bathroom like this forever but I think it is kind of a fun look for a little while. I had so much fun and this is totally unlike something I would have done on my own! Plus when I decided to change it there will be no guilt because it was all free. This Thanksgiving I am thankful God has given us awesome neighbors who have become our friends and make everyday life so much more fun!

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