We had a really nice Thanksgiving and I didn't even get all that terribly stressed out! Sean did a great job with the food prep and I got to just concentrate on getting the house ready and setting the table, which is the part that I really enjoy the most. I have really been enjoying our house the past couple of days. It is nice to have so much more space. I would have never been able to comfortably have that many people for a sit-down dinner at my old house. I love having a formal dining room and being able to have my grandma's dining table. I remember so many family dinners around it growing up. I also remember playing under it with my sister and cousins! As I was sitting here, I was thinking about holidays when I was little and how much my grandmothers would have enjoyed seeing Audrey and Henry yesterday. I guess I am getting a little nostalgic and missing them both tonight. It is also fun to see Audrey and Henry develop such great relationships with their grandparents. I know they are building those same kind of memories with them. My family has so much to be thankful for!

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