This morning we went to
Apple Blossom Farm with Audrey's class. It was pretty cold at first but as the morning went on we warmed up. Here are a few pictures from the playground area. I don't have any at the actual pumpkin patch because keeping track of Audrey, carrying the pumpkins, trying to get Henry to hold my hand, and picking him up off of the ground at least a dozen times after he tripped on vines, proved to be no little task. I tried to get my phone out once to take a picture, but they were telling everyone to head back to the hay rack. I am going to try to carve my pumpkin tonight and will take pictures of Henry and Audrey's pumpkins and probably post them tomorrow.

Henry the goat, Eliza the sheep, Marilyn the horse, Meghan the cow, and Audrey the pig

Henry went right for the
Audrey decided to skip the gunny sack and just slide down on her belly. Henry and I went down a couple of time, though not on our bellies. We didn't go very fast. We got stuck and had to walk the rest of the way down.

I'm not sure the new pink coat will ever be the same.